Biological Treatment
Biological treatment can treat wastewater to achieve very low levels of organics and nutrients. When aerobic treatment processes are incorporated into a wastewater treatment process it can allow wastewater to discharged to the environment or with tertiary treatment allow for reuse. In trade waste applications, installation of an aerobic process leads to significantly reduced trade waste charges.
Aerobic biological treatment for the treatment of biodegradable wastes has been used for many years and can be designed to reduce influent BOD by 95% or more. As wastewater from meat processing plants is highly biodegradable, such systems are ideal and quite common practice.
In determining what the most suitable biological process is, a number of factors need to be taken into account. These include; the performance requirements, the land area available, energy costs and efficiency, and waste biomass production.
Commonly used systems include lagoons, conventional activated sludge systems with advanced aeration , sequencing batch reactors, moving bed bio reactors and membrane bioreactors.

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